Richard Johnson Studio
Based in Toronto, Canada and operating virtually, our Studio represents the work of artist Richard Johnson. Managed by Richard’s lifelong partner Lucie Bergeron-Johnson, the Studio actively engages with private and corporate collectors, and with a variety of galleries and institutions to ensure that Richard’s work continues to be seen, enjoyed, and be available for purchase in limited editions.
Richard Johnson Gallery
Basée à Toronto, au Canada, et fonctionnant de façon virtuelle, notre Atelier expose le travail de l’artiste Richard Johnson. Gérée par Lucie Bergeron-Johnson, la partenaire de Richard depuis toujours, la galerie s’engage activement auprès de collectionneurs privés et d’entreprises, ainsi qu’auprès de diverses galeries et institutions, afin de s’assurer que les œuvres de Richard continuent d’être vues, appréciées et offertes à l’achat dans le cadre d’éditions limitées.
Richard Johnson
1957 — 2021
Richard’s keen eye for the composed architectural image stemmed from his initial career as an Interior Designer, followed by 25 years as one of Canada’s preeminent architectural photographers. He was also profoundly influenced by mid-century German masters Bernd and Hilla Becher and their systematic documentation of Germany’s industrial landscape including water towers, grain silos and mine heads.
Richard’s work has been presented in numerous solo exhibitions across Canada, and been recognized through awards and publications such as National Geographic in 2019. His Ice Huts series is currently on display in the connector tunnel at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, Terminal 3.
His photography is included in celebrated corporate collections such as TD Bank in Toronto, Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank, McCarthy Tetrault, Aviva Insurance and Foreign Affairs Canada, where numerous Ice Huts and Ice Villages are exhibited in Canadian Embassies.
I have always been fascinated with small structures. My earliest recollection of shelter was as a 6 year old growing up in Trinidad. It was a guard house for our neighbour. No more than three walls and a lean to roof, it was a simple solution to shade the harsh sun and protect from tropical rains. These shelters, built by individuals with available materials, inspired me to take notice. I moved to Montreal in the sixties and built snow forts and backyard igloos. In summertime, I rallied with friends to rope together tree houses, without fear of heights or plans.
— Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson
1957— 2021
L’œil attentif de Richard pour l’image architecturale composée provient de sa carrière initiale de designer d’intérieurs, suivie de 25 ans comme l’un des photographes d’architecture les plus éminents du Canada. Il a également été profondément influencé par les maîtres allemands du milieu du siècle dernier, Bernd et Hilla Becher, et par leur documentation systématique du paysage industriel allemand, notamment les châteaux d’eau, les silos à grains et les carreaux de mines.
Le travail de Richard a été présenté dans de nombreuses expositions individuelles à travers le Canada et a été reconnu par le National Geographic en 2019, notamment. Il a aussi obtenu des prix, dont la subvention du Conseil des arts de l’Ontario. Sa série de cabanes de glace est actuellement exposée dans le tunnel de raccordement du terminal 3 de l’aéroport international Pearson de Toronto.
Ses photographies figurent dans de célèbres collections d’entreprises comme celles de la Banque TD de Toronto, la Banque de Montréal, la Banque Scotia, McCarthy Tétrault, Aviva et Affaires mondiales Canada, où de nombreux villages et cabanes de glace sont exposés dans les ambassades canadiennes.
2019 — GTAA, Terminal 3, Pier A Tunnel, Ice Huts & Ice Villages, Toronto
2018 — Vancouver Art Gallery, Cabin Fever group show, Ice Huts & Ice Villages
2017 — Richard Johnson Gallery, Toronto, Ice Huts & Ice Villages
2016 — Richard Johnson Gallery, Toronto, Ice Huts & Ice Villages
2015 — Richard Johnson Gallery, Toronto, Ice Huts & Ice Villages
2014 — Guest Speaker Ice Huts Laurentian Architecture School
2014 — Bulthaup Gallery, Toronto, Ice Villages Solo show
2013 — Richard Johnson Gallery, Toronto, Portals of Passion, Solo show
2012 — Richard Johnson Gallery, Toronto, Ice Huts Storm, Solo show
2011 — Agnes Jamieson Gallery, Minden, Ice Huts & Ice Villages show
2010 — Lester B Pearson Lobby, Ottawa, FACC Collection, Ice Huts Solo show
2010 — Toronto Image Works Gallery, Toronto, Ice Villages Solo show
2009 — Toronto Image Works Gallery, Toronto, Ice Huts Solo show
2009 — Rotunda Gallery, City Hall, Kitchener, Ice Huts Solo show
2009 — GTAA Terminal One, Toronto, Folk Architecture – Ice Huts Solo show
2008 — GTAA Terminal One, Toronto, Ice Huts - Coming Home group show
2008 — Contact Festival group show of juried winners, Toronto, Ice Huts
2007 — Richard Johnson Gallery, Toronto, Ice Huts, first public showing
Curated Collections
2019 — ALMAG Aluminum, Head Office, Brampton
2018 — Aviva Insurance, Toronto, Montreal
2017 — Irving Oil, New Brunswick
2017 — Scotiabank, Calgary
2016 — Rawlinson and Hunter Chartered Accountants, London, UK
2015 — HOK Architect, Toronto
2014 — McCarthy Tétrault, Toronto
2013 — HomeEquity Bank, Toronto
2012 — TD Bank Financial Group, Toronto
2011 — Foreign Affairs Canada, Canadian Embassies Worldwide
2010 — Edelman Canada, Toronto
2010 — Foreign Affairs Canada, Canadian Embassies Worldwide
2008 — Bank of Montreal, Toronto
Private Collections
Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
Every year, the Richard Johnson studio donates generously to local Auctions.
Recent events include:
2022, 2023, 2024— VIBE Arts, Toronto
2022 — SNAP for ACT, Toronto
2019 — Art Effects, Toronto
2019 — SNAP for ACT, Toronto